The Eagle

A few months back, I was walking on the streets when I saw a tiny mouse pass beside me. It was so small that even I couldn't see it clearly. But within a blink of an eye and from nowhere a majestic eagle, came swooping down and grabbed the mouse and flew away. I was amazed by this and wrote a poem on this majestic creature...


There it sat on the edge of the cliff
Ready to burst in the spark of light
Guarding away its fierce might

With its watchful eye
There he looks at Atlas and the Earth
Nothing can pass his sight
Even echo is captured with a twitch

Sitting in a royal suit
Crying with a tusked mouth
Bald with white on top
Beady jewel eyes floating greedily

Then he sat beside the cloud
Watching for the ‘little one’
And when that ‘one’ falls to prey
Swoop! It’s gone, seeing dark at day

Hail thou, Hail thee
Those with courage sit with him
As he scans the galaxy
For that naïve one
Escape be dreamt; not at
Midnight strike

About to Launch (26075320352).jpg Picture courtesy: Wikipedia


  1. Incredibly brought out...the poem clearly displayed the centre, 'the eying if the eagle'..I very much enjoyed reading through as I could imagine the eagle taking the flight to catch his prey so vividly..(exquisite details)..I loved the poem❤️


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