Black Hole

My friends and I have always enjoyed talking about the universe and we all share a passion for reading about Black Holes.
Scientifically a black hole is a region of space-time exhibiting gravitational attraction so strong that nothing—no particles or even electromagnetic radiation such as light—can escape from it. I have tried to imagine it and jotted down a poem...

Black hole

I was born from the decay
Of my previous existence
Heated so hard
He to Fe

My core shook with anger
Burnt with hatred
"Nobody cares for me, I'm dead"
The thought made my crust fade away
Just like my mantle

The long-life I lived
Providing survival to all my planets
But then suddenly swallowing them
With my extended gravity
Betraying them
And everything in my way

Friends none I have
Don't think of making me your buddy
Then I would be having you as spaghetti
You all may say I am a dark force
But I do have good
Transporting to another parallel world perhaps

My garland of light
Shimmering protons
Defines me

Great minds have explored me
Wheeler, Einstein and Hawking
Yet never figured my whole secret
You may dislike me
But the key to the universe
Is me....

Blackness of space with black marked as center of donut of orange and red gases Picture courtesy: Wikipedia


  1. Hi Maitreyi! Just read your poem.along with educating the reader about black holes, it also exhibits a great sense of humour ��. My fave line was "I would be having you like spaghetti". However, I felt the line "Heater so hard" could've been written as "Crushed so hard". Overall, amazing poem!☺️☺️☺️

    1. Thank you so much Aadya, will surely take in the suggestion...

  2. Awestruck by this DIVINE poem.....
    Magnificent work. Very pleased...hope to see more like this...very glad to have read an AMAZING poem...😀😀


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