Changing Perceptions

Hey everyone. Today's post is a short memory of the austere lockdown our country was put under, almost a year ago (Time speeds by!!). I wrote this passage for a school activity and decided to share it over here! Stay tuned, at the end I have some news😉

School short breaks were the best! My friends and I chatting, munching and having loads of fun. The highlight of the day would be trading biscuits, which I brought, for more savory foods that I preferred. Alas! All those euphoric moments came to a pause when schools abruptly closed down and everyone was forced to stay home safe. Socializing and group activities became archaic; the only thing I could do was stare aimlessly at the television or meander from one room to another. 

When I felt devoid of normal things like eating outside, D.I.Y was my go-to option but sadly I do not possess magical fingers, so all my experiments failed. Even the supply of crunchy snacks concluded and I had to have plain meals. I longed for a day when I could proudly remove my sudorific mask and breathe pristine oxygen without the scare of contracting a deadly virus. The past kept making its way to my mind and enthralling it with charming stories. 

As the groceries ran out at my home and petty delis started to become accessible, one day my father set off with a plethora of shopping bags, decked in PPE. Everyone at my house was nervous, but he returned safely! Each bag was now filled with essentials like milk, bread, veggies, spices, and even sanitizers! After bathing, he approached me and gave me a small 'present.' It was a pack of cream biscuits! 

My eyes lit up! Forgetting my resentment towards confections I gobbled it down immediately luxuriating the ambrosial taste of the cookie and the viscid vanilla cream that melted in my mouth! That baked goodie was sublime and I felt a huge sugar rush that gave me instant energy. It felt like it had been ages since I had eaten anything succulent! 

The gesture was minuscule— it would have been insignificant in the previous days but in these trying times, it made me ecstatic and filled me with hope. Everything will be alright! 

This unexpected gift was much-needed to appreciate the simple raptures of life. 

Never overlook anything. Enjoy the fascinating journey life puts you on! 


I can't believe one year has passed already! 

Blogging was the best decision I have ever taken and I hope I can continue for many years to come. 

For my blogiversary, I am still unsure of what I should do...... any ideas? 

Please let me know in the comments🤗


Well, that's all. I hope you liked this post! What did you do during the lockdown? Did you get any 'unexpected' gifts? How was your experience? Tell me in the comments! 😁 

Have a wonderful day! 


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