Anne of Green Gables


My Favorite Book- Anne of Green Gables

Name of the book- Anne of Green Gables.

Author- L. M. Montgomery. 

Genre- Bildungsroman, and Novel. 

Published (year)- 1908. 


There are very few protagonists from novels who remain embedded in your mind even after you put down the book, and one of them is surely Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gables. This is a wonderfully written novel by L. M. Montgomery which offers everlasting joy, every time one reads it. The book follows the growing up years of a sprightly and jovial orphaned red-headed girl, Anne- who has a colossal imagination and a flair for words. Ever since she arrives at Green Gables, even though she was not expected, she brought happiness to the dull and old siblings Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert.

The novel is set in the imaginary town of Avonlea in P. E Island in Canada. Each scene is described with such intricacy and precision which paints a vibrant picture in your mind.

The book follows the literary principle of “Show, don’t tell.” L. M. Montgomery describes the Avonlea village scenery stupendously; it is very vivid, and you can literally feel the weather, landscape, scents!

To give the essence of Montgomery’s writing- let me give you an excerpt from the book.

 “…the Lake of Shining Waters was blue — blue — blue; not the changeful blue of spring, nor the pale azure of summer, but a clear, steadfast, serene blue, as if the water were past all modes and tenses of emotion and had settled down to a tranquility unbroken by fickle dreams.” Doesn’t this show the picture of the lake in your mind?!

 In the same manner, she also explores Anne’s emotions and makes the character so lively.

One of the reasons why Anne seems so real is because she is not perfect. She has outbursts of emotions, temper, and even makes mistakes like you and me and learns from it.

Just as Anne would say…

“Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it... yet.”

Anne’s arrival also changes her foster parents’ personalities. Marilla, the reserved and stern woman becomes a gentle and caring mother who learns to loosen up and rejoice. Matthew and Anne formed an everlasting bond with love for each other. The Cuthberts and Anne may not have been related by blood, but they surely cared for each other a lot.

Anne’s experiences at Green Gables gave her a- scope for her own personal and moral growth. Her adventures with her best friend Diana Barry, her mentor Josephine Barry, her teacher Miss Stacy, and many more of her ‘kindred spirits’ make the story more enjoyable and delightful! She also learns to deal with bullies who taunt her.

The way Montgomery develops every character, not only Anne is marvelous and makes the novel worth reading.

The book shows you how life is worth living and enjoying even during harsh times. It also shows that even in the depths of despair there is always hope. Though Anne had experienced a cruel upbringing at the orphanage, she finally found affection at Green Gables as she kept believing and relying on her imagination.

Anne of Green Gables is the first book of a series following Anne’s life as she goes to college, starts a career, gets married, and until she is old. There are 8 books in the series, each more engaging than the previous!

The book may not be a fantasy or a thriller, but it surely exemplifies our daily lives and shows how to live life with a lot of positivity. For me, the book has become a part of my life and I am sure it will become yours too. Let us not forget our red-haired friend whose optimism remains eternal.

Anne is truly a kindred spirit.

I hope this inspires you to start your literary journey with Anne of Green Gables

Art by me.

Which is your favorite book? Let me know in the comments😄


  1. Superb dear Maitreyi.... Your each and every word prods the reader to read the book. I, for one, have definitely decided to read the book....

    1. Thank you, Aunty😊😊, I am sure that you will love the book! Please tell me your thoughts and review after you read the book😄😃

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for your kind words!!!!😊😊😊


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