Taste of Determination

A few years ago, I had hurt my right thumb while playing. I had to give complete rest to my thumb and hence was strapped for a couple of months. It was indeed a throbbing pain that turned excruciating when I was told to attempt my exams in my left hand!!! I was reluctant at first and was also on the point of giving up because trying to activate my left hand was perilous. However, with the immense support of my family, and friends- I was able to do it!!!! This turned out to be a golden opportunity where I learned to write in my left hand and take a step out of my comfort zone. Now I am ambidextrous! The experience showed me that determination and a little willingness can bring out the hidden side. Here is my experience penned down as a poem...So never lift the pen!!!😉

 Taste of Determination 

An abrupt acquaintance with an iron gate

Slashed the ligament of my thumb

Into horrific pain

And a major injury

The doctor had disheartening news

The need for me to zone out

Three months, at least

While the finger recovers


All my friends were in awe

They had fractured arms and legs

But never thumbs

Following me like bodyguards

Doing all of my tedious work


I was, in dreadful pain, every day

“Why don’t you heal, dear thumb?”

I thought

Questioning in agony

“Final Exams have been announced!” the phone cried

But to mend, my thumb had not tried

I felt blue, while the doc exclaimed-

“Write with your left!”

A challenge indeed, it truly was

Trying to boot up my left hand

Failure was so awful

English coming out as Japanese


On the verge of extinct hope

All my interest drained out

While my parents cheered for me

To try and try again


With weeks and weeks of writing practice

I was ready as a borrower’s cap

Knowledge in my brain

Strength in my left

I was a soldier off to war

After days of awaiting results

Recalling all the back-breaking work

It finally came

With flying colors

And pearl-like letters

Everyone felicitated, the spotlight was mine

But I did uncover the secret verse

Hard work beats intelligence

Grit beats talent

The results will be extravagant…


Picture courtesy- Unsplash 



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